Who should consider gender selection?
Genetic disease: Patients with known sex-linked disease in their family (such as muscular dystrophy, fragile X syndrome, or hemophilia) who would like to prevent that genetic disease in their offspring.
Family balancing: Individuals or couples who have one or more children of one gender and desire to have another child of the opposite sex to balance their family.
What is the process of gender selection?
The gender of the baby is determined by an X and Y chromosome. Females genetically carry two X chromosomes (XX) and therefore will contribute an X chromosome to all offspring. Males genetically carry an X and a Y chromosome and therefore can contribute either an X or a Y to their offspring, thus determining the sex of the child.
Gender selection may be advertised through simple methods such as timing of intercourse or sorting of sperm, but these methods are not reliable and do not have high accuracy rates, thus their use is not justified. Gender selection is most accurately performed through a process called Preimplantation Genetic Screening (PGS), which is performed as part of an in vitro fertilization (IVF) cycle.
Why choose NRM?
Northeastern Reproductive Medicine is the only reproductive office in Vermont that is currently offering family balancing. We believe in the importance of patient education and choice, and we want to help you understand the complexities of the process and find a solution that meets your needs. Your consult at NRM will include:
- A thorough discussion of your particular history, your options, and the pros and cons of each option.
- Education regarding the process of IVF with PGD for gender selection and the medical, financial and psychological risks of the process.
- Counseling regarding expectations of the process and success rates.
When you are ready, the next step is to schedule a consultation where we can meet with you and create a personalized fertility plan designed to deliver the family of your dreams.