Learning from our patients
Welcome to Northeastern Reproductive Medicine!
We look forward to communicating with you on this blog–sharing stories, discussing the latest reproductive news, and providing educational content as you go through your journey to conceive. Closely tied to reproduction are several different endocrine (hormonal) problems, and the Reproductive Endocrinology and Infertility physicians at NRM treat these as well—even when you’re not trying to conceive. Let us be your resource. If you have topics about which you would like to learn more, we would love to hear from you.
As physicians, we learn a great deal from listening to our patients’ stories. A few years ago I met a young father who, after learning that I was a fertility specialist, eagerly shared his experience with me of undergoing IVF treatment with his wife in South Korea. He described the waiting room, filled with patients all undergoing various fertility therapies, and also filled with a constant banter as the men and women talked in a friendly and open manner about their journeys- their thoughts and questions, their successes and failures. He created an image for me of a community of people naturally coming together and supporting each other through a challenging time.
I often catch myself thinking about that waiting room. I try to imagine that same community developing in our NRM waiting room—and while I don’t think it is unattainable (would you consider reaching out and making a connection at your next visit at NRM?) I believe there are many ways for patients to find support. You may have friends or family that have experienced similar challenges and offer their guidance or support, but if not, fertility support groups exist in many different shapes and sizes. It may seem overwhelming to wade through—counseling services, infertility associations (check out RESOLVE.org), Facebook groups, workshops and webinars—but you may stumble upon something that fits your needs and feels right to you.
Let us help you! We hope you can utilize this blog to find information, ideas, positivity, and most of all-a supportive community. Don’t be afraid to ask—let us know what your needs are and how we can help. We are excited to start building our NRM family!