Taking the Pressure off with Acupuncture
Northeastern Reproductive Medicine launching on-site acupuncture
Our team at Northeastern Reproductive Medicine (NRM) understands that our patients invariably feel stress surrounding the pressure to conceive. We are excited to partner with Integrative Acupuncture to offer our patients acupuncture as a natural pathway to release those pressure points before, during and after fertility treatments. Licensed acupuncturists frequently treat and support people who are on the pathway to parenthood – both couples and individuals alike.
Acupuncture can complement fertility treatment
Acupuncture has been around for thousands of years and is not only considered safe, but also is commonly used. More recently, its use has integrated the field of fertility, especially for patients undergoing either intrauterine insemination (IUI) or IVF.
The licensed acupuncturists from Integrative Acupuncture use hair-thin, sterile needles that are inserted into acupoints, which can, in the case of infertility, target reproductive organs.
Here are some of the potential physical and psychological benefits of acupuncture to our Vermont fertility clinic patients.
- Calming of the nervous system to alleviate mental and emotional stress
- Regulating your menstrual cycle
- Increasing blood flow to create a thicker uterine lining, optimizing uterine receptivity
- Finding specific points to help dilate the cervix, making embryo transfer easier
- Reducing spasms and cramping associated with IVF and IUI procedures
- Providing an additional caring professional to support patients in their fertility journey
Schedule your on-site acupuncture appointment at NRM today
Patients who are interested in acupuncture will have the convenience of on-site treatment at NRM. Treatments will be available on Mondays. During your initial consultation, a licensed acupuncturist from Integrative Acupuncture will meet with you and gain an understanding of your unique health history. From there, they will use acupoints that are customized just for you because each patient is different.
Our Vermont fertility clinic is excited to offer our patients the opportunity to enhance their treatment options. Click here to schedule an appointment today.